Tips for Prepping Your Deck for The Winter Snow


Composite Deck Builders

If your deck is located in a climate region that gets very, very harsh winters, with lots of snow, ice, snowstorms and freezing temperatures, one of the mandatory property maintenance tasks that you should never neglect is to prepare your deck for the cold season. Here are some tips from composite deck builders about how to do that.

Remove Everything from Your Deck

To be able to execute any preparation work, you will need an empty deck, so your first task should be to remove any furnishing items and accessories from your platform. Before you move your deck furniture to a sheltered space, such as a shed, it is a good idea to clean and inspect the items. If your inspection reveals that your deck furniture needs any repair, make sure to handle those repair needs before you put your pieces away for the winter.

Always Start with Thorough Cleaning

If you have stopped using your deck when the weather started to turn cool and rainy in fall, chances are that the boards and the railings that make up your structure are now covered in dust and dirt. Going into the winter with those spots on can be harmful for your deck, therefore cleaning is an essential first step for any preventative winter maintenance. To achieve impeccable cleanliness, use an efficient, eco-friendly cleaning substance, mix it with some warm water and scrub every inch of your deck, including the boards and the railings, then rinse everything with clean water.

Inspect the Structure

When your deck is clean, it is time for a thorough inspection to reveal any points that need repair. Check everything from the fasteners that keep the platform in place to the railings, the stairs and the top of the platform. If you find anything that needs repair, such as broken fasteners or spots of rot or rust, address the issues right away, before the first snow.

Apply Protective Coatings

Today, there are many protective coating products that you can choose from. Depending on the material of your deck, you can choose to apply multiple different types of coats, but there is one that every deck needs and that is a moisture repellent coating. Before you apply your product, make sure to check the instructions to avoid any mistakes when it comes to usage.

Cover Your Deck

A great way to prevent any damage caused by the snow is to cover your structure with tarp or thick foil. The measure will make it easier for you to clean your deck once spring comes next year.

Remove Thick Layers of Snow

If the blanket of snow that covers your deck is very thick and stays on the deck surfaces for too long, your deck will suffer. Fortunately, fresh snow is easy to remove – all you will need is a broom and some energy. Sweeping the snow off your decking does not necessarily have to be a tedious household chore – doing it when the sun is shining and the snow around is sparkling can be great fun and excellent exercise as well.